Newborn Baby Girl Gets Rescued After Parents Buried Her Alive

Newborn Baby Girl Gets Rescued After Parents Buried Her Alive

There are so many people out there who’d love nothing more than to have a baby. Yet, they can’t. So, it’s hard to imagine someone receiving this gift from God, and choosing to dispose of the little blessing because the child wasn’t the “right” gender.

Sadly, that’s exactly the case in the disturbing rescue of a newborn baby girl buried alive by her own parents!

Unfortunately, gender-related abortion and infanticide has become a common occurrence in some parts of Asia.

Thankfully, public outlets are taking steps to end this deplorable practice. Even so, a couple in India recently tried to get rid of their newborn baby in a horrific way, likely because she was a girl. In the Jajpur district of Odisha, someone noticed a chilling sight. Two little feet kicked above the ground. The villagers immediately jumped into action to save the newborn baby girl buried alive by her own parents.

“The baby was buried upside down. She was wrapped in a cloth. We found two small feet above the ground and believed that the baby was alive,” said one of the heroes who rescued the infant.

They rushed the tiny girl, estimated to be between 4 to 6 hours old at the time, to the hospital. Upon arrival, she was in critical condition. Doctors and nurses did all they could, and God was on their side. The baby girl is now in stable condition. They’ve named her Dharitri, a Sanskrit word meaning ‘the earth.’ Tragically Common The parents behind the horrific act already have five daughters. Often seen as financial burdens because of dowries and other cultural practices, the family reportedly didn’t want another girl. Tragically, this type of discrimination is so common in India, there are laws prohibiting doctors from revealing a baby’s sex to the parents prior to birth. Thankfully, divine intervention saved this little girl. And though the systematic practice of gender-related abortion and infanticide, Christian groups are working to raise awareness and alter public opinion on such customs. It’s our prayer that as pro-life organizations grow, more and children will be saved. You can see the rescue in the video below, though please be aware it may be too disturbing for some: 

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Biblical Commentary by Unreal Post

The apostle Paul makes it crystal clear that one the signs of the end times and soon return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to rapture His Church is this exact type of horrible act absent of any natural affection.


‘This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, ‘

2 Timothy 3:1-3

Thank God that a passer-by saw the feet of this little one and rescued the newborn. 

Pray that gospel of the grace God be proclaimed in these villages in India and all the Asia that practice this evil act of infanticide. Only the gospel of grace can change the hearts of the men and women that practice this cultural wickedness of killing newborns because they are the wrong gender.

Read this.

Religion is Behavior Modification – Christianity is Heart Transformation

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Oklahoma Church Helps Feed over 50,000 Families in Need

Oklahoma Church Helps Feed over 50,000 Families in Need

‘Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. ‘

Galatians 6:2

A church in Oklahoma has helped to feed over 50,000 families who have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic

According to CBN News, Victory Church in Tulsa partnered with small businesses in the area to feed the families.

“Thousands fed, hundreds saved, THIS IS A MOVE!!!”

Victory Church Pastor Paul Daugherty wrote on Twitter. God is turning what the enemy meant for evil into something good in Tulsa- so many praise reports coming in! HUGE SHOUT OUT to the DREAM TEAM that’s been rotating in serving our city during this time.

“Thank u to everyone who’s donated to help these meals and groceries happen!” Daugherty said many of the small businesses the church is working with sacrificed their salary to pay for the groceries.


“And 53,000 hot meals and groceries to people who are laid off from work or reduced in their hours,” Daugherty explained.

“They’re saying ‘if you guys weren’t open, we don’t know where we would go right now.’” Victory Church is offering drive-in church services on the weekends with Daugherty preaching from the church’s rooftop. “The mission of our church and every church is: love God, love people, and desperate times call for desperate measures,” he said. “We started doing our drive-in services and started seeing so many unchurched people come on our parking lot in desperation and they are getting help and they’re getting hope.” The church was able to receive permission from local and state governments to operate despite the restrictions set in place because of the pandemic. “I called our mayor, chief of police and the governor and said we are helping thousands of people and I think you don’t want to stop this. They said, ‘you’re absolutely right…you guys are an essential business and what you’re doing for the poor in our city is what our world needs right now,'” he said. 

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.

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