Why Understanding Amillennialism Matters Understanding Amillennialism is crucial because it directly impacts how we interpret God's promises to Israel and the Church. This false theology denies a literal future for Israel, claiming that the Church has replaced...
Daily Encouragement
Meditate on What is True, Noble, and Praiseworthy: Finding Peace in Perilous Times
Feb 14, 2025
In Philippians 4:8-9, Paul shares a powerful roadmap for believers to maintain peace in a troubled world: "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever...
When Nothing Became Everything: Heavens Declare God’s Glory
Feb 13, 2025
Psalm 19:1 proclaims, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands." This verse beautifully illustrates that all of creation is a testament to the majesty and power of God. Yet Scripture reveals that it is Jesus Christ, God the Son,...
Global Push for Two-State Solution: A Prophetic Warning
Feb 8, 2025
The world is aligning against Israel, just as the Bible foretold. The so-called "Global Alliance for the Implementation of the Two-State Solution," spearheaded by Saudi Arabia, Norway, and the European Union, is nothing less than a direct challenge to God's sovereign...
The 70 Nations & Israel: God’s Plan in Deuteronomy 32:8-9
Feb 5, 2025
Many of my readers have asked me to explain Deuteronomy 32:8-9 in simple terms, particularly how God’s division of the nations connects to His chosen people, Israel. These verses provide a profound glimpse into God’s sovereignty over the nations and His redemptive...
Love is Always the Answer to What the Law Demands
Feb 3, 2025
...Love is the fulfillment of the law Romans 13:10 Devotional Message: Romans 13:9-10 beautifully sums up the relationship between love and the law. Paul explains that love is the key to fulfilling God's commandments. Think about it: you can't gossip...
- When Our Tent Is Taken Down – 2 Corinthians 5:1
- Everything is Falling into Place, Not Falling Apart
- Sealed for Eternity: The Unbreakable Promise of God
- Compelled: Living for the One Who Died for Us
- The Generation That Will Never Face Death!
- God’s Simple Plan of Salvation: Believe and Be Saved
- Amillennialism: The Convenient Lie That Replaced Israel
- Meditate on What is True, Noble, and Praiseworthy: Finding Peace in Perilous Times
- When Nothing Became Everything: Heavens Declare God’s Glory
- Global Push for Two-State Solution: A Prophetic Warning
- The 70 Nations & Israel: God’s Plan in Deuteronomy 32:8-9
- Love is Always the Answer to What the Law Demands
- Replacement Theology: A Mockery of God’s Faithfulness
- To Everything There Is a Season – a time to Heal
- The Creator Who Sustains Us: Finding Strength in Christ
- Be Encouraged: Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks
- Peter and Paul: Distinctions in Audience and Message
- Have You Decided to Know Nothing but Christ Crucified?
- Triumph in Tribulation: Finding Peace in Christ’s Victory
- Israel’s Restoration and Promised Messianic Kingdom
- We are Crucified, Buried, Risen with Christ
- The Might of Israel’s Army: Mess Around and Find Out
- God’s Promise to David: Royal Lineage and Eternal Kingdom
- Rejoice! God’s Sovereignty and Love Secure Our Salvation
- Daily Cleansing Through God’s Word is Necessary
- Running the Race ‘Looking unto Jesus’ Daily for Strength
- The Gospel: The Power of Salvation ‘1 Corinthians 15:1-4’
- The World Will Turn Against Israel: A Biblical Prophecy
- Walking by Faith – Not by Sight or Feelings or Circumstance
- The Perfect Sacrifice Once for All “Christ Alone”
- 3 Principles for a Fulfilling Christian Life
- The Sovereignty of God: Our God is in Control
- Which are You Feeding the Most? How to win the Daily Battle
- Thank God His Mercy is New Everyday – He is Faithful
- Fully Convinced: Faith Alone in Christ Alone Romans 4:18-25
- Hanging on by a Thread? – ‘There is Rest for the Weary’
- 5 Reasons Why Replacement Theology is Unbiblical
- Remember Not the Former Things – ‘God Doesn’t’
- God Cast Our Sins into the Sea – Move Forward
- Forgetting What Lies Behind Me – “Move Forward’
- Trusting in God’s Provision – Don’t Worry
- The Mighty Power of the Gospel – Ephesians 1:19
- This One Thing I Do – “Forgetting the Past”
- Salvation is by ‘Believing’ the Gospel by Faith Alone
- Counter-Cultural Humility: A Reflection on Philippians 2:3
- Unbreakable: Finding Strength in Romans 8
- The Imperative of Daily Study in God’s Word
- Not Falling Apart but Falling into His Exact Design
- Crushing Strongholds: God’s Word Over the World and Satan
- From Death to Life: The Power of God’s Amazing Grace
- Rejoice in the Lord – Our Redemption is Secure
- Faith – Essential to Pleasing God ‘Hebrews 11:6’
- The Gospel of Grace was Hidden – Until Paul
- Jesus the Christ Ministered to His Own – Romans 15:8
- Embracing the Eternal Hope: A Heart Anchored in Assurance
- Navigating Physical Pain with the Promises of God
- The Wisdom of Marrying in Faith: A Biblical Perspective
- Clothed in Christ: Embracing the Virtues of Love
- Unshakable Destiny: Israel’s Course Set by the Creator
- Saving Grace: The Gospel Over End Times Hysteria
- We are not Saved by the keeping the Law ‘Galatians 3:2’
- Freedom from Law because of the cross ‘We are Under Grace’
- Believe and Be Saved: The Transformative Power of Faith
- The Mind-Boggling Reality of Justification
- The World’s Greatest Hope is in Jesus Christ
- A Warning to All: The Unyielding Promises to God’s Chosen People
- How We Act While We Wait? “Ambassadors for Christ”
- Guard Your Joy: A Reminder to Believers about Haters
- Unveiling Glory: Navigating Trials with Unwavering Hope
- Endless Faithful Love: A Source of Renewed Hope
- From Prophecy to Mystery: God’s Great Plan for Salvation
- Boast Only in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ
- The Unmatched Power of the Gospel – Romans 1:16
- Part Two: Standing Strong: Joy Amidst Imperfection
- Part One: Standing Strong: Finding Joy Amidst Accusations
- What Doctrine? The Doctrine Revealed to Paul
- Paul’s Prophetic Warning “Happening Now” – 2 Timothy 3:1-5
- Peter’s Instructions and the Wisdom of Paul’s Epistles
- Unyielding Love: A Light Amidst a Unloving World
- Colossians 3:4 Refers to the Rapture not the Second Coming
- Mankind Will Either be Saved or Judged by Paul’s Gospel
- The Mystery or Secret of the Gospel of Grace
- Transforming Negativity into Gratitude: A Call to Embrace Positivity
- Israel’s Fall and Gentile Salvation Romans 11:11
- The Signs of the Times for the Church “Moral Decay”
- Unveiling the Mystery of Paul’s Gospel in Romans 16:25
- Peter to the Circumcised – Paul to the Uncircumcised
- The Cross: A Divine Model for Marital Love
- Walking Worthy of Our Calling – Ephesians 4:1 & 2
- God Separated Israel from the Gentiles “His Inheritance”
- Ten Bible Verses that Delineate the Foreknowledge of God
- Foreknowledge, Free Will, and the Assurance of Election
- Faith in the Blood of Christ: Then and Now
- The Perfect Work of the Cross: Rest in His Completion
- God’s Preordained Plan to Bless Gentiles “Amazing”
- From Genesis 12 to Acts 9 – It’s “Jews Only”
- Redemption’s Roots: The Crucial First 2000 Years
- Christmas Joy: Celebrating the Impeccable Timing of the Birth of JESUS
- Prophetic Harmony: Peter and Paul Echo Isaiah 53:4
- The Crossroad of Condemnation and Redemption in Romans 3
- What “Things” Are We Conquerors Over? Romans 8:37
- More Than Conquerors because Christ Conquered All
- Luke Chapter 1: The Continuation of God’s Promises to Israel
- The Gospel Truth: Faith, Not Law (works), Brings Salvation
- Navigating Life’s Storms: Finding Peace in God’s Promises
- Positioned in Christ with God: Live Fearlessly
- The Body of Christ is the “Apple of His Eye”
- A Heart Full of Gratitude and Thanksgiving “Everyday”
- God is Not Finished with the Nation of Israel: Romans 11:25
- Hope in Times of Loss – Future Resurrection that Awaits us All
- Chosen in Grace – Zechariah 2:8 “the Apple of His Eye”
- Cursing Israel results in curses; bless Israel and be Blessed
- Unmasking Replacement Theology “A Lie from Hell”
- There But for the Grace of God Go I – Titus 3:3-5
- God’s Promises to Israel are Everlasting
- Pray Without Ceasing the Power of Daily Prayer
- A Heart Full of Kindness “Be Kind to One Another”
- The Mystery: Gentile Salvation and the Future of Israel
- 🌍 From Creation to Confusion (4004 BC -2000 BC)
- The ‘But Now’ Moment: A Pivotal Shift in God’s Redemptive Plan
- God is Our Refuge from Everlasting to Everlasting
- From Death to Life: ‘Rejoice’ in Our Position in Christ
- 🌟 Stay Alert, Watch and Be the Light 🌟1 Thessalonians 5:6
- The Times of the Gentiles are Coming to an End ‘Luke 21:24’
- Start Every Day with a Heart Full of Praise!
- 🔥 Stay Steadfast – Immovable Amidst the Storms 🙏
- Biblical Prophecy: Israel’s End-Time Challenges and Triumphs
- Amidst Chaos, Find Hope: God’s Plan Unfolds
- Hide God’s Word in Your Heart – Psalm 119:11
- Embracing Unshakable Hope: Glory Beyond Trials
- Living Unconformable to this World ‘By Faith’
- Amazing Biblical Truth – Our Identity in Christ
- Words of Encouragement: Trusting in the Midst of Trials
- Ephesians 2:1-6 – From Death to Life: But God!
- Renewed Every Morning: Finding Strength in God’s Daily Mercies
- Victorious Over Sin, Death, the Law and Satan – Romans 6:14
- God is Our Refuge and Strength: Psalm 46:1
- Philippians 2:4 – Considering Others Above Ourselves
- Passing from Death to Life = Love ‘1 John 3:14’
- Faith Alone Justifies: Learning from Abraham’s Example
- The Gospel’s Simplicity – Foolishness to the Lost World
- God’s Sovereign Design for Israel and the Mystery of Grace
- 2 Corinthians 1:3-4: A Beacon of Comfort in Troubled Times
- Yes, Everything is a Gospel Issue – ‘Romans 2:16’
- Seeking the Other Person’s Highest Good – ‘Love’
- Our Unshakable Hope in Christ: A Daily Source of Encouragement
- How to Break Free From Bitterness and Anger?
- Conquering Challenges: Triumphing Through Christ’s Love
- When I See the Blood – ‘I Will Passover You’ Exodus 12:13
- The Freedom of Grace – No Works for Salvation
- Unwavering Goodness Amidst a Dark and Evil World
- Don’t Judge But Restore Fallen Believers with Gentleness
- Gentile Salvation by the Blood of Christ – Ephesians 2:11-13
- Caught Up in Hope – Unpacking 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
- Our Sufficiency is from God – 2 Corinthians 3:5
- The Abundance of God’s Grace – Given Freely
- The Abundant Life: Embracing God’s Complete Grace by Faith
- Avoid Headline Hysteria – Instead Study the Bible
- The Judgement ‘Bema’ Seat of Christ – 2 Corinthians 5:9-10
- Ambassadors for Christ: Proclaimers of the Good News
- Signs of the Last Days and the Fulfillment of Scripture
- Exodus 33:19 – God’s Sovereignty and His Graciousness
- Galatians 4:16 – Remaining Faithful to the True Gospel
- Do Not Be Deceived ‘Enemies of the Cross’
- For ‘You’ Have Magnified Your ‘Word’ Above All
- Standing Firm in Sound Doctrine Amidst Perilous Times
- 10 Bible verses that highlight the transformative power of the gospel of grace
- True Power in Weakness: Trusting in God’s Wisdom
- The Overflow of Love: Christ’s Unconditional Gift
- 5 Encouraging Bible Verses for a Happy Father’s Day
- God’s Will for Father’s ‘Happy Father’s Day’
- The Distinction Between the Gospel of the Kingdom and the Gospel of the Grace of God
- Peter Preached to His Kinsman Not Gentiles – Acts 2 & 3
- God Divided Mankind by Jew and Gentile “God’s Chosen People”
- ‘Resurrection Power’ Living a Victorious Life
- Yes! Even Believer’s Struggle with Depression
- Already Blessed with Every Spiritual Blessing
- God is Near – Finding Hope in the Midst of Turmoil
- Jew Only Until the Apostle to the Gentiles ‘Paul’
- Salvation by Faith Alone: The Power of the Cross
- Sharing the ‘Truth’ in a World Covered with Deception
- A Life of Forgiveness and Love ‘Ephesians 4:31-32’
- Heart of Gratitude “Be Thankful for Everything”
- Saved by Faith Alone Not Works of the Flesh
- Jesus Christ 1000-Year Reign from Jerusalem
- Happy Mother’s Day to All Mom’s “God Bless You”
- A World in Chaos: Echoes of Sodom and Noah’s Time
- Sensationalism vs. Scripture: Don’t Get Caught Up in End Time Speculation
- Meditating on Truth in a Chaotic World: Philippians 4:8-9
- Satisfy Us Early with Your Mercy ‘Daily Devotional’
- The God of All Comfort, Part 2: The Power of the Gospel
- Our Blessed Hope in this World of Darkness
- The Background of Paul’s Words in 2 Corinthians 1:3–11
- The God of All Comfort – (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) Part 1 of 3
- The Power of the Tongue: The Highest Good and Greatest Harm
- Finding Peace and Truth in a Chaotic, Deceptive World
- The Four Common Beliefs Regarding End Times Bible Prophecy
- Consolation in Christ – Unity of the Saints
- The Stone was Rolled Away – “He is Risen” Mark 16:4
- Was Jesus Crucified on Friday or Wednesday?
- The King’s Arrival: Prophecy Fulfilled “the Triumphal Entry”
- Want to Be Happy? Have Joy in the Lord and Be Happy
- Pushing Through a Tough Day by Trusting God
- Rejoicing in God’s Steadfast Love and Faithfulness
- Trusting in God’s Plan: The Promise of Israel’s Salvation in Romans 11:25
- Before the End of All Things and the New Heaven & New Earth
- King David and the Apostle Paul were in Agreement: ‘Everything belongs to God’
- Not Interested in a Religious Show, God Wants Our Faith
- Knowing What the Bible Doesn’t Say About Salvation
- Can we really forget our past? No we can’t – but God did!
- The Importance of Separating Ourselves from the World System
- Prophecy Fulfilled Deuteronomy 30:1 and 2 “Amazing”
- Anticipating the Rapture: Living with the End in Mind
- Our Peace is in Jesus Not the World – Jesus is the Prince of Peace
- We are Ambassadors of Christ – Every Day!
- From Genesis to Eternity – A Progressive Revelation
- “For with God, Nothing Will be Impossible”
- Pray, Pray, Pray for Each Other – “We are One Body”
- The Triumph of Christ Over Satan – Colossians 2:15 and Related Scriptures
- There is no list of fruits for keeping the law – Only Death
- The Handwriting of Ordinances ‘the Law’ Nailed to His Cross
- Good and Faithful Servant? Labor for the Lord
- Justification: What it means and why it matters
- The Lord Reigns and He is in Control – Psalm 93:1
- More Than Conquerors over “All Things” – Romans 8:37
- Understand the Abrahamic Covenant – Understand the Bible
- Falling in Love with the Author of Our Faith
- Resurrection Power! The Core of Our Belief
- Israel is at the Core of God’s Dealings with Mankind
- The Apostle Paul’s Prayer for the Church – Love All
- Mind Boggling Safety in Christ with God – Colossians 3:3
- The Victory of the Cross – How Believers Overcome Fear
- The Newness of the Spirit – The Power of Grace over Law
- “Perilous Times” in the World Today and Our Blessed Hope!
- From Darkness to Light – the Power of the Gospel
- Peace with God through the Shed Blood of Christ
- Finding Strength in God – He Gives Power to the Weak
- The Prophetic Timeline – A Progressive Revelation
- Sealed with the Holy Spirit – Forever with God
- Now is the Time for Salvation – The Power of the Gospel
- We “Are” the Children of God – Romans 8:15-18
- The Prophetic Timeline of God is a Progressive Revelation
- Divided Rightly or Mix it All Up – Like Most of Christendom
- No More Tears: Finding Comfort in Revelation 21:4
- Commit it All to the Lord – “Let God Handle It”
- What does “Rightly Dividing the Word of God Mean”?
- Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth – Removes Confusion
- Your Source of Strength for the Difficult Day Ahead – God’s Word
- Comfort in Christ: Finding Strength in the Finished Work of the Cross
- The Two Events Before the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ
- Deception Alert: The Dangers of Spiritual Blindness and Moral Decay
- Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords “the King is Coming”
- Saved by Grace: The Love of God Demonstrated in Romans 5:8
- Transformed by Christ: Living for Him Who Died for Us
- A New Creation in Christ: Overcoming Fear and Embracing Hope
- This will Encourage You! Commit it “All” to the Lord: And Leave it with Him
- This is Our Battle Ground: Taking Down Spiritual Strongholds
- What Happens When We Die? Understanding Our Eternal Destination
- The Empires are Back: One Destroyed Three to Go!
- The Joy In Justification: “Just as If You Never Sinned”
- Iron Sharpens Iron: The Urgent Need for Fellowship
- Rejoice! Our Inheritance is Guaranteed and Sealed with the Holy Spirit – Ephesians 1:13-14
- God Knows You – “O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me” Psalm 139:1
- Made Alive by the Power of the Gospel – Ephesians 2:1-3
- Don’t Be Deceived: Unprecedented Deception in the Church
- The Mind-Boggling Unfathomable 4 Dimensions of Christ’s Love in Our Lives
- We can overcome the world and all its “difficulties” because Christ already did
- Overcoming Temptation: 2 Powerful Bible Verses to Encourage You
- God Himself Deeded the Land to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
- Adam and Eve Were Not Saved by Believing the Gospel of the Grace of God – But Yet They Were “By Faith”
- Victory in Christ: The Assurance of Our Resurrection – The Rapture
- Our Hope Is Eternal with the Lord Jesus Forever – Don’t Be Discouraged
- Mercy for All: Unpacking the Mystery of Romans 11:32
- Finding Hope in Affliction: The Encouragement of Psalm 119:50
- Resting in God’s Grace: Setting Aside the Burden of Working for Salvation
- Starting the Day with Praise: The Encouragement of Psalm 5:3
- Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaotic World: The Power of John 14:27
- Stop Slandering God’s Grace – Accusing Believers of Living in Sin Because of Grace
- The True Narrative: How it Really Unfolded – Part 3 of 3
- Peter vs. Paul: Conclusion: Paul tells Peter How Mankind will Be Saved Going Forward
- Multiple Errors in Christendom’s Traditional Narrative
- The Importance of Bible Study: 10 Encouraging Verses
- Finding Strength in Weakness: The Sufficient Grace of God
- Approach God’s Throne Boldly with Confidence: Finding Grace in Times of Need
- The God of All Comfort: Finding Strength and Encouragement in Times of Trouble
- Paul Did Not Join Peter and the Other Apostles to Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom
- The Struggle is Real, but So is the Hope
- Victory is Ours: The Assurance of Triumph in Christ
- The Power of God’s Word in Our Daily Lives: How the Bible Transforms Us
- The Power of God’s Word: 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 and Psalm 23:4 as Passages for Conquering Fear
- Finding Strength in God’s Word: God’s Promises for Overcoming Fear
- Starting the Day with Prayer: Encouragement from Psalm 88:13 and the Apostle Paul
- Singing in Times of Trouble: Psalm 59:16 and Worshipping in the Midst of Suffering
- Starting the day with Praise: Putting our trust in God every morning
- Read these Bible Verses for Encouragement – Don’t be Discouraged – God’s Word is Powerful
- Discover the Power of Faith: How Abraham’s Example Proves Salvation is by Faith Alone – Romans 4:1-5
- Begin 2023 with Power, Love and a Sound Mind
- Happy New Year: Words of Encouragement to Begin 2023
- Galatians 2:16: A Verse on Justification, Faith, and the Fulfillment of the Law – “Paul’s Gospel Wins”
- Let Us Not Grow Weary While Doing Good – Galatians 6:9
- Difficult Day(s) Ahead? Here are Two Bible Verses that Will Give You Strength and Encouragement
- Here are 5 Bible Verses that Will Comfort the Brokenhearted
- 5 Encouraging Promises to Lift Your Spirits from Romans Chapter Five
- God’s Help with Abandonment and Rejection – You’re Not Alone
- Abraham was Saved by Grace through Faith Apart from the Law and Works- Like We are Today
- Jesus Alone is the Believer’s Source of Peace – ‘Ephesians 2:14’
- We Can Do Nothing Without Christ – But ‘In Christ’ We Can Do Anything
- To Everything There is a Season – A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven
- The Lord Shall Have them in Derision ‘Psalms 2:4’
- Some Believers will Never Experience Physical Death
- The Finished Work of the Cross was Flawless
- Don’t Worry ‘God is Faithful’ Even when We are Not
- What Happens the instant a Person Believes the Gospel?
- Widespread Full-Scale Severe Christian Persecution is Right Around the Corner in America “Breaking News Story”
- “Persecution is Coming” The World Hates You! Because You are a New Creation
- “Young man, if you were to die tonight, where would you be, in heaven or in hell?” ‘True Story’
- Archeologists Find Ancient Temple Mount Sign Warning Gentiles to Keep Out! – The Apostle Paul Teaches that this Warning No Longer Applies
- Happy or Not “Believers” Have that ‘Joy’ Unspeakable
- How to Deal with a Fellow Believer that Falls into Sin
- The Christian Life is the Greatest Life “Epitomized in Weakness”
- The So-Called “Church Fathers” Were Wrong; The Church Did Not Replace Israel
- The Greatest Enemy to New Believers Exiting Prison is Unsaved Family
- There is Nothing to Do or Ask For – the Requirements for Our Salvation where Accomplished at the Cross – Believe it!
- Beloved, this is our Greatest Hope
- God is the Justifier of those that Believe the Gospel Alone “Nothing Else”
- The Conclusion is that Salvation is by Faith Alone in the Gospel Alone
- Now is the Day of Salvation – In the Midst of a Troubled World
- Believers Have Been Delivered from the Condemnation of the Law
- The Resurrection According to the Apostle Paul
- Resurrection Day! – ‘He shall see of the travail of His soul, and be satisfied’ Why?
- The Resurrection is Unique to Christianity
- Why Does the Apostle Paul Say “My Gospel”?
- Jesus Christ Spoke the Words that Created Everything
- Stand Fast in the Gospel of Grace – Christ Has Set You Free from the Law
- God Reconciled the World to Himself by and through His Son’s (Jesus Christ) Death, Burial and Resurrection
- God is the Believer’s Only Source of Strength with 12 Scripture Verses
- Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Joy
- The Gospel is Foolishness to those Who are Perishing…But
- Teach No Other Doctrine than What was Revealed to Paul ‘Do Not Be Deceived’ – 1 Timothy 1:3
- God Sovereignly Created Israel ‘the Jewish People’ to Fulfill the Promise of Genesis 3:15
- The Twelve Apostles Had No Concept of the Death, Burial and Resurrection – So How in the World Could they Teach it?
- God’s Mercies are Indescribable
- The Bible is a Progressive Revelation – ‘Scripture wasn’t Revealed All at Once to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses or the Twelve Apostles’
- The Gospel is a ‘Free Gift’ Salvation is a Free Gift
- The Power of the Gospel to Transform Lives
- Acts 7:38 Does Not Say that “Israel was the Body of Christ in the Wilderness” that’s Just Stupid
- Cyprus ‘devil’ song by ‘Elena Tsagrinou’ real goal is to condition minds for the “Beast” and His System
- Study Discovers That Reading the Bible Through A Trauma-Informed Lens Lowers Depression, Anxiety, and Anger
- Christians are Not to be Sandpaper to the World
- Why Should God Let You Into His Heaven? ‘Faith Alone’ Ephesians 2:8-9
- The Book of Ephesians Chapter 3 Verse One “For this Reason”
- The apostle Peter’s Last Words are to Read Paul’s Epistles for things Regarding Salvation
- Sorry Pastor Mary Knew Bible Prophecy Better than We Do
- But Now ‘Not Before’ the Apostle Paul was Salvation for Jew and Gentiles Apart from the Mosaic Law
- Believers are on Resurrection Ground ‘Our Faith Rest On Christ Resurrection from the Dead’
- The Kingdom is the Kingdom is the Kingdom “The Millennial Reign of Christ”
- 5 Bible Verses Reminding Believers that We Are a New Creation
- God’s Number One Controversy with Mankind is ‘Unbelief’ – “NOT SIN”
- The Best is Yet to Come for the Body of Christ “Blessed Hope”
- JD Greear Southern Baptist Convention President Supports Abortionist Joe Biden of Pro-Life President Donald Trump
- Five Absolute Truths from Scripture
- Pray for America Pray for ALL Mankind Pray for the Men and Women in High Places – Pray! Pray! Pray!
- Transgender is a Lie from the Pit of Hell and the Trans Lobby Targets Children
- Pope Francis in Another Anti-Christ Act Supports Same-Sex Marriage in Direct Opposition of the Word of God – Anathema!
- Jesus Christ Himself Said ‘Once You’re Saved Always Saved’
- Believers are More than Conquerors Romans 8:37
- Believers are Already Citizens of Heaven and with the Lord in Glory: ‘2 Corinthians 5:6’
- Grow Up Christians! We Must Live Up to the ‘Truth’ of the Gospel Every Day
- Reading Scripture, Bible Study, Prayer, Singing Hymns it’s Called ‘Worship’
- Eternal Lives Matter
- The Lord is Crystal Clear, there is No Halfway In-Between “You either Believe the Gospel or You Don’t
- Replacement Theology is Man’s Idea Not God’s
- King David’s Powerful Prayer Praising God for His Majesty
- Paul Preached Death, Burial and Resurrection for Salvation Not ‘Accept Him into Your Heart’ for Salvation
- Christians Cannot Walk in Faith and Fear at the Same Time
- The Darkness of BLM and the Light of the Gospel of ‘Jesus Christ’
- Why can’t you let ‘God be God’? (Letter)
- Start Here: Introduction to the Biblical ‘Timeline’ Genesis 1-11
- Russia ‘Magog’ is Paving the Way for a Northern Invasion by Taking Over the Golan Heights
- 3 Reasons Why Christians Should Live Fearless
- Christian Persecution in America: ‘This Activity Is Unlawful’: California Church Fined $10,000 for Singing, Meeting Indoors
- The Difference Between Learning and Doctrine is All the Difference in the World
- All Means All But Not Everyone Will Believe the Gospel
- We Will See Each Other Again at ‘the Great Meeting in the Air’ with the Lord
- Christ Died for the Ungodly and the Ungodly Needs to Know It
- The Law Can’t Save You So Why Try? Galatians 2:18
- Using Romans 13 as an Excuse Not to Worship is the Pinnacle of Absurdity
- The Power of God Unto Salvation is the Gospel
- Christians are Citizens of Heaven Living on Earth as ‘Ambassadors for Christ’ to Share the Gospel & Stand against Evil
- God Speaks to Us through His Word; We Speak to Him through Prayer
- God’s Word Knows our Heart and Keeps Us on Track
- Our Great Meeting in the Clouds…Together Forever with the Lord
- The Anti-Christ and False Prophet will be the First tossed into the Lake of Fire
- The Lord Jesus Christ is Our Light in this Dark and Evil World
- Black Lives Matter, The Democratic Party and Antifa are ‘Proxies’ for the Coming Beast and His ‘Beast System’
- Need Encouragement? Feeling Alone? God Will Never Leave You ‘Never’
- Can Satan and his Evil world system bring enough tribulation and persecution to force believers out of our position in the body of Christ?
- We are saved by the Gospel of Grace not the Gospel of the Kingdom
- Rejoice All the Time Pray Without Ceasing and Be Thankful for Everything In Jesus Name
- Violent Protesters, Rioters and Government Officials are Bestial in Nature Paving the Way for the Beast and the Beast System
- The Lovingkindness of God is Better and More Meaningful than Life Itself
- The Believers Position is with Christ In God
- Lutherans Publish Their Own Version of the Bible Without the Word Israel in It “Replacement Theology 2.0”
- Evaluate Your Time Because Life is Short
- Christians Don’t Rebel Against Civil Authority We Obey God
- God is Sovereign Over the Earth and Everything in It
- Powerful Photos: Example of Christians Worshiping Peaceably Under Difficult Circumstances ‘Faith’
- Christ Had to Die But Death Could Not Hold Him ‘The Mystery (Secret) of the Cross’
- Newborn Baby Girl Gets Rescued After Parents Buried Her Alive
- Mayor in Miss. Outlaws In-Person Church Services, Christians Ticketed $500 Each for Meeting in Cars
- Oklahoma Church Helps Feed over 50,000 Families in Need
- Why Are You So Fearful? How is that You have No Faith?
- Biblical Hope: New Testament Hope Contains No Uncertainty
- Fear and Panic are Irrational and In Complete Opposition to the Christian Life
- Courage is Not the Opposite of Fear – The Opposite of Fear is Peace
- Christians’ Don’t Get to Pick and Choose Who We Forgive
- The Chief End of Man is to Glorify God
- Biblical Explanation of The Doctrine of Justification ‘Romans 3:24’
- “Only Christ can comfort the brokenhearted and only those who believe the gospel of the grace of God can He comfort”
- It is In what we Don’t Deserve that we Find our Strength…to Overcome ALL that Satan Throws at Us
- There is Only One Way to Heaven ‘Jesus Christ’
- What Part of God Makes it Possible to Save You?
- Be Steadfast and Alert Because Satan Seeks to Destroy You and the Church
- Sing Praises to God for His Power and His Great Love Shown through His Son ‘Jesus Christ’
- Our Promise is Sealed with the Holy Spirit
- Our Greatest Hope
- ‘No Fear’ Christians are In the Safest Place in the Universe ‘Hidden with Christ in God’
- Christians Must ‘Stand’ Firm Against Satan and His Minions
- Start Every Day with Prayer and Bible Study then Check Social Media
- ‘Salvation’ and the Gospel Are of First Importance to the Lord but Not to the Church
- The Book of Romans Chapter Four – Introduction
- What Will Be the Basis for God Judging Lost Humanity at the Great White Throne?
- The Glory and Majesty of the Creator, God the Son “Jesus Christ”
- Pray About Everything Worry About Nothing God Always Answers
- God Ordains Prosperity and Adversity in the Christian Life “Rejoice”
- Are Christians Today a Covenant People?
- A Great Biblical Litmus Test for the Believer’s Daily Walk
- Commit “Everything” to God with a Humble Heart, be Patient and He Will Answer
- Why Did Jesus Christ Command His Disciples Not to Preach to the Gentiles and Samaritans? Matthew 10:5-7
- Can You Believe Something God Never Revealed to You?
- Religion is Behavior Modification – Christianity is Heart Transformation
- What Happen to the Jerusalem Church “Assembly” or ekklēsia after 70 AD?
- Before 40 AD There was No Revelation from God to the Gentile World – But Now…
- Hold Fast to Your Faith Through Tough Times Because God is Faithful
- I Believe the Gospel Does that mean all my sins; past, present and future are forgiven?
- Insurmountable Giants Taken Down by the Finished Work of the Cross
- First Step to Salvation is Believing God when He Says You’re a Sinner and Without Hope
- Knowing the Abrahamic Covenant is Crucial to Understanding the Bible
- The Gospel of Grace was a Mystery “Secret” Hidden in God Since before the World Began
- Free Six Week Bible Study Class in Tempe Arizona Covering the Plan of Redemption
- Change the Meaning of Sin, Change the Gospel, Same Old Devil
- Read the Bible Literally and In Context for Sound Interpretation
- No You’re Not Reading the Bible Literally
- When Was Salvation Apart from the Mosaic Law?
- Christendom’s Erroneous Narrative that has Divided Christians for 2000 Years
- “Them” and “They” Will Face Destruction Not “Us”, “We” and “You”
- Sin is the Reason for the Season “Christmas”
- Why Doesn’t God Punish Mankind for Their Sins and Evil Deeds
- The Church is Weak Because Christians are Ashamed of the Gospel
- The “Mystery” of Israel’s Temporary Blinding
- Do Not Be Conformed to this World ‘Romans 12:2’
- Bible Prophecy, Abraham, the Promise, the Cross, the Body, the Kingdom
- God Is Sovereign Believe What He Says “Faith”
- “The Fall of Mankind” Sin, Death and the Curse
- Only 9 Gentiles Saved in 2000 Years ‘It was Jew only’
- 19 Biblical Absolutes, Fundamentals and Truths
- What is the Jerusalem Council and what Really Happen? Acts 15
- The First 2000 Years in 11 Chapters – Genesis 1 – 11
- God Created Man in His Own Image Adam and Eve
- 7 Tips to Better Understand the Bible
- You are Justified because You Believe the Gospel
- Salvation is Mind Boggling – Look at All that God Does
- How Do I Know I’m Saved?
- No That Isn’t How Christianity Started
- How Did We Get to the Gospel of the Grace of God?
- Can a Person Lose Their Salvation? “OSAS”
- How a Person is Not Saved – What the Bible doesn’t Say?
- What is the Church the Body of Christ when did it Begin
- Is Homosexuality a Sin?
- What is the Rapture and is it Biblical? End Times Prophecy
- This is How Christianity Began – True or False?
- What is the Gospel?