
God is Sovereign Over the Earth and Everything in It

God is Sovereign Over the Earth and Everything in It

God is Sovereign over everything. Yet He permits mankind to exercise free will and we’ve come almost 6000 years and mankind and nations are exactly where they are according to His timetable. For, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.” 1 Corinthians 10:26...

What is the Jerusalem Council and what Really Happen? Acts 15

What is the Jerusalem Council and what Really Happen? Acts 15

Highlights of What Really Happened at the Jerusalem Council!   The apostle Peter the 11 apostles and all in the Jerusalem Church were still UNDER THE LAW. THEY BELIEVED THAT JESUS WAS THE CHRIST (ISRAEL'S MESSIAH) BUT THEY WERE STILL PRACTICING THE MOSAIC LAW!...

No That Isn’t How Christianity Started

No That Isn’t How Christianity Started

No That Isn't How Christianity Started   While there are many truths in the "Traditional Christianity Narrative" it is absolutely false and has led to so much confusion and division in the Body of Christ. Below is a list of Biblical truths that smash the...


Mesa Bible Study Groups – In-Depth Bible Study in Phoenix, AZ

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