
Christians are Not to be Sandpaper to the World

Christians are Not to be Sandpaper to the World

Contrary to the world and many in Christendom today. True believers are NOT to be sandpaper to the world. But instead, the Lord admonishes us to be kind, gentle and what is probably most difficult… we are to be PATIENT WITH THE LOST & EVIL WORLD AROUND US.

Why can’t you let ‘God be God’? (Letter)

Why can’t you let ‘God be God’? (Letter)

  Pastor R, We have Scripture because of the Jews, our Lord and Savior is Jewish, the nation’s and their borders were designed around and for God’s people, Israel, the entire Old Testament from Genesis 12 into the early chapters of Acts is about Israel, we...


Mesa Bible Study Groups – In-Depth Bible Study in Phoenix, AZ

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