The Lord is Crystal Clear, there is No Halfway In-Between “You either Believe the Gospel or You Don’t

by Jamie Pantastico

On September 26, 2020
You're either saved or not


The majority teaching across Christendom is that if you do everything just enough, that if you do this and do that and hang on you might make it. That’s False Teaching! Scripture doesn’t teach that.

This Bible clearly states that today you are in one of two categories: You are either lost and bound for the lake of fire or you’re saved and heaven-bound to be with the Lord in glory. The Lord is crystal clear, there is no halfway in-between. You either believe the gospel or you don’t… You’re either heaven bound or hell-bound. It’s that simple, that may sound narrow and inclusive and it is because the Bible says so.

All through Scripture there are only two classes of people in the world, you’re either in Christ or you’re not, there is no halfway in-between.

So rest in what God has promised that if you believe the gospel you ARE SAVED.

Romans 8:14

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they (do we hope to be? No, we) are the sons of God.”




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