Yes, Everything is a Gospel Issue – ‘Romans 2:16’

by Jamie Pantastico

On August 30, 2023

In life, all that truly matters is salvation. It’s the heart of God’s redemptive plan, laid out so clearly throughout the pages of the Old and New Testaments. Our primary purpose as believers is to share this heart-transforming message – the gospel of grace.


As 2 Corinthians 5:20 reminds us, we are ambassadors for Christ on this earth. Our mission is to shine the light of His love, to share the good news that Jesus paid the price for our sins on the cross (the death, burial, and resurrection). Every interaction, every conversation, every moment carries the weight of eternity.


Yes, Everything is a Gospel Issue




Romans 2:16 poignantly reminds us that there’s a day coming when God will judge the secrets of every heart. This judgment hinges on the truth of the gospel. Those who reject the gospel in unbelief will face the devastating consequence of eternal separation from God.


In a world consumed by distractions and fleeting pursuits, let’s remember that every moment is an opportunity to engage the lost with the truth of the gospel. Let’s seize each chance to share the hope we have found in Christ. Our coworkers, neighbors, friends, and family members – they all need the gospel.


The urgency of this truth can’t be overstated. The lost are headed towards an eternity without God, while we who know the good news and have been transformed by the truth; Let’s heed the call to be bold, compassionate ambassadors of the good news. Let’s share the gospel, for it’s the eternal lifeline to the lost.



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