We Can Do Nothing Without Christ – But ‘In Christ’ We Can Do Anything

by Jamie Pantastico

On October 27, 2022
Mankind can accomplish nothing with out Jesus Christ

‘For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh our old nature) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find. ‘

Romans 7:18

Now this passage flies in the face of the “be your best self”; “you have it within yourself to accomplish anything”; “if you can think it, you can do it” crowd. Present-day sociologists are brainwashing our children by telling them that they are good and they can do whatever they want to do. You can be whatever you want to be because you have it within yourself to do so.

Well, this thinking is contrary to Scripture and the antithesis of Christian living. I’m all for being all you can be and working hard to be the best at whatever it is you aspire to be. But without Christ, it is impossible because God’s words say so. And in Romans 7:18, the apostle Paul, Holy Spirit inspired, of course, makes it crystal clear. Then Paul repeats it again in the next verse.

‘For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice.’

Romans 7:19


That being said, as a believer, we must understand that in ourselves (in our old Adamic nature) we can do nothing, but “in Christ” we can do and become anything.

Simply put, our motivation for doing anything must be “in Christ” and to bring honor and glory to God.




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