Unmasking Replacement Theology “A Lie from Hell”

by Jamie Pantastico

On November 6, 2023
unmasking replacement theology

Replacement theology, Amillennialism, and covenant theology are each cut from the same fleshly cloth drawn from man’s theology governing Scripture when it is God’s Word alone that reigns over theology.


This doctrine asserts that the Church has replaced Israel in God’s plan of the ages. Many mainstream Protestant denominations adhere to this view, a theology born from early Church fathers who struggled (lack of faith) to reconcile Israel’s history of rebellion with God’s enduring promises.


Adherents of this belief system often twist Scripture, using a flawed method of interpretation that sidelines God’s chosen people in prophecy. This leads to egregious misinterpretations of key passages, such as Romans 9–11, Matthew 12:48–50, Galatians 3:29, Matthew 3:9, and Romans 2:28–29.


This doctrine of demons implies that God would renege on His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and King David, abandoning the Jewish people and the promises made to them. Such a notion undermines God’s faithfulness and truthfulness, which are unimpeachable.


In truth, God’s promises to Israel remain steadfast, as He is eternally faithful to His chosen people.


Recommended Reading:

God’s Promises to Israel are Everlasting





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