This One Thing I Do – “Forgetting the Past”

by Jamie Pantastico

On May 18, 2024

‘Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.’

Philippians 3:13-14


In Philippians 3:13-14, the apostle Paul delivers a powerful message that resonates deeply with those seeking encouragement to forget the past and move forward to better days. Amidst a backdrop of trials and tribulations, Paul declares, “This one thing I do.” These words, simple yet profound, and which are most often overlooked by the rest of the verse, serve as a call to action, urging believers to focus on a singular, transformative purpose: forgetting what lies behind and pressing forward toward the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.


Too often, we find ourselves burdened by the weight of past mistakes, death of loved ones, toxic relationships, failures, and regrets. We allow the shadows of yesterday to cast doubt and fear over our present circumstances, hindering our progress and stifling our growth. But Paul, through his own experience and wisdom, reminds us that dwelling on the past serves no purpose in our pursuit of God’s calling for our lives. Instead, he exhorts us to forget those things which are behind us and embrace the boundless possibilities of tomorrow.


“This one thing I do,” Paul declares. In these words, he encapsulates the essence of wholehearted devotion and unwavering determination. He sets aside distractions and diversions, focusing his energy and attention on the singular task before him: moving forward in faith. Likewise, we are called to adopt this mindset, casting off the chains of the past and fixing our eyes on the path ahead with the word of God as our guide.


As we heed Paul’s exhortation to forget what lies behind and press forward, we discover a newfound sense of freedom and joy. We no longer allow past failures to define, we no longer allow toxic people or situations to dictate and control our future. Instead, we step forward boldly, confident in the knowledge that God is leading us onward toward a future that brings honor and glory to Him.


So let us embrace Paul’s Holy Spirit inspired instructions with unwavering conviction: “This one thing I do.” Let us break the grip of the past (because God has already forgotten and forgiven you), and move forward, knowing that God’s grace is sufficient for all that is ahead of us. 



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