The Mystery: Gentile Salvation and the Future of Israel

by Jamie Pantastico

On October 25, 2023
Gentile Salvation and the Promised Future of Israel

In Romans 11:25, a chapter that reassures us of God’s continued plan for Israel, the Apostle Paul reveals a remarkable mystery. This mystery, hidden in the mind of God until revealed to the apostle Paul, carries profound significance for the body of Christ and must be taught and understood.


The term “mystery” has its root in the Greek word “musterion,” which essentially means “secret.” It’s vital to understand this word, as it captures the essence of what Paul is unveiling.


Romans 11:25 says: “For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery (or secret, a secret that has been hid in the mind of God until the apostle Paul) lest you should be wise in your own opinion, (but isn’t that the case today, when was the last time you were taught this?) that blindness in part (not forever, but Israel has been blinded for the past 1900 plus years) has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.”


The Old Testament foresaw the inclusion of Gentiles in God’s plan, yet it also expected Israel to be the means of their salvation. Verses like Isaiah 42:6, Isaiah 49:6, Isaiah 60:1-3, and Zechariah 8:22–23 spoke of Israel as a “Kingdom of Priests” who would bring the Gentiles to God. However, what was never mentioned in the Old Testament—the four gospels or early chapters of Acts—was a secret hidden in the mind of God: that God would extend His salvation directly to the Gentiles apart from Israel’s involvement.


Due to Israel’s rejection of their Messiah, God temporarily set them aside (Romans 11:32). He dispersed them throughout the world after displacing them from Jerusalem (70 AD). In this unique turn of events, God reached out to the Gentiles with the Gospel of the Grace of God, a mystery previously concealed in His divine plan but now unveiled to the apostle Paul (Ephesians 3:1–11).


Romans 11:25 highlights the significant role of the Gentiles (the body of Christ) in God’s plan of salvation and assures us that God’s promises to Israel will still be fulfilled. This mystery reminds us that while Israel was temporarily blinded, it has not been abandoned forever.


Recommended reading:

Mercy for All: Unpacking the Mystery of Romans 11:32



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