The Lord Shall Have them in Derision ‘Psalms 2:4’

by Jamie Pantastico

On October 13, 2022
The Lord will have the world in derision

“He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.”

Psalms 2:4


That is where the world is right now. Nations believe they are in charge, but we know they are not. The world is utterly falling apart, and I see little chance of it ever returning to a stable state. I’m not a pessimist but rather an optimist; nevertheless, I see things happening in our beloved America and around the world that we are no longer able to turn around. We have far passed the point of no return. The signs of the times are clear. I believe we are getting closer to the Lord’s second coming than ever. But first, the body of Christ, the church, must be taken off the scene during the Rapture.



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