The Joy In Justification: “Just as If You Never Sinned”

by Jamie Pantastico

On February 2, 2023
The Joy In Justification Just as If You Never Sinned

Romans 5:1 tells us that we have been justified by faith in Jesus Christ. This means that God declares us righteous, just as if we never sinned. This is a remarkable truth that should bring us immense joy and peace.


Justification is a judicial act of God in which the righteous and holy God sees our faith in the gospel and declares us justified. It is not based on our feelings, but on the word of God. Our justification is not something that we can understand with our human minds, but it is God’s word that declares it, and we can rest in what God promises and believe Him.


The key to experiencing justification is faith. Faith is simply taking God at His word and believing what He says about salvation. We don’t need to try to figure it out in our human understanding, but simply trust in what God has said. When we believe the gospel by faith alone – that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose from the dead three days later – God steps in and saves us, and does everything on our behalf, including justifying us.


The Takeaway

Let us rest in the truth of our justification by faith in the gospel. God has declared us righteous, just as if we have never sinned. Let us experience the joy and peace that comes from this truth and trust in God’s word above all else. God said it believe it.



Take a moment to reflect on the joy of your justification by faith in Jesus Christ and your faith in the gospel. Thank God for declaring you righteous and just as if you never sinned. Ask Him to help you rest in this truth and to trust in His word above all else. Let the peace and joy of this truth fill your heart today and always.





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