The Imperative of Daily Study in God’s Word

by Jamie Pantastico

On April 16, 2024

In 1 Timothy 4:13, Paul offers Timothy a timeless imperative that resonates with us today: “Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.” This simple instruction is packed with wisdom for every believer.


Reading: The Scriptures aren’t just words on a page; they’re living and active, breathing life into our souls and guiding our steps in this dark and wicked world. By immersing ourselves in God’s Word daily, we strengthen our faith, fill our heart and soul with joy no matter the circumstances.


Exhortation: This refers to encouragement or uplifting others. As we grow in our understanding of God’s Word, we’re equipped to encourage fellow believers in their faith, offering hope and strength through the promises of Scripture.


Doctrine: Sound doctrine is foundational for our faith. It shapes our beliefs, guides our decisions, and protects us from deception. As we study and embrace the doctrines of grace, we build a strong and unwavering faith.


Paul’s words remind us of the transformative power of God’s Word. We must commit ourselves to studying, exhorting, and embracing sound doctrine, allowing the Scriptures to enrich our lives and in turn enriching the lives of fellow believers.


What doctrine?


What Doctrine? The Doctrine Revealed to Paul



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