The Greatest Enemy to New Believers Exiting Prison is Unsaved Family

by Jamie Pantastico

On August 21, 2022
unsaved family is the greatest enemy to new believers

Hands down the greatest enemy to men and women who become true believers in jail or prison. Other than Satan is the unsaved family member.

There is nothing more heartbreaking than to be mocked and scoffed at by a family member when you know God has transformed you. When you know the old life you enjoyed is in the past and the future is brand new. Because you are a new creation. By no means perfect but the old appetites of your life before salvation are meaningless now that all things have become new.

I hear this weekly from both men and women that have shared their life (faith) with family and are ridiculed.  And my stock response is. That they are not mocking you they are mocking God because they are enemies of God.

“the mind of the flesh (and its sinful desires; of the unbeliever) is actively hostile to God.”

– Romans 8:7


As for dealing with ridicule, the answer is the same for all scenarios.

We forgive! Because we know why they do what they do. They are enemies of God. And we are to forgive them just as the Lord has forgiven us. Easier said than done no doubt! Even though we are a new creation believers experience the same emotions as the rest of the world, in other words, we still get upset and angry. But we must ALWAYS turn to the Word of God and prayer. And God “WILL” comfort us and direct our paths.


‘bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. ‘

Colossians 3:13


There is no greater task for believers than to share their faith. Whether babes or mature in Christ. Our chief mission above all is to share the gospel. That being said our family should be the first we share the gospel with, unashamed and boldly. No matter what ridicule we may or may not face. No matter the cost.

Be bold, unafraid, and unashamed of the gospel of grace.




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