The Bible is a Progressive Revelation – ‘Scripture wasn’t Revealed All at Once to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses or the Twelve Apostles’

by Jamie Pantastico

On June 26, 2021
The Bible is a progressive revelation

The Bible is a progressive revelation. Adam didn’t have the totality of God’s plan of redemption. Nor did Noah, Abraham, Moses or any of the prophets know it all. Not even the twelve had the full counsel of God (Luke 9:44,45; 18:31-34; John 20:29), because God’s revelations were progressive.

God dealt with mankind differently throughout the ages. Same God, but different instructions for salvation and how to worship Him between Adam and the apostle Paul.

So as we progress on up through human history, and move up through the Scriptures, we finally come to this place where the apostle Paul becomes the go-to person for instructions on how to worship God, on how believers are to live their daily lives, and of course, the gospel by which all mankind will be judged.

It is the Apostle Paul who reveals how that all of these things (all that happen before the Lord revealed the gospel of grace to him) were leading to the place where Salvation could now (not before) go to the whole human race (“the Mystery” Romans 16:25). Not by works of righteousness which we have done (Titus 3:5; Romans 3:21), but by faith in what Christ accomplished in His death, burial, and resurrection (“the gospel” 1 Corinthians 15:1-4).





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