Teach No Other Doctrine than What was Revealed to Paul ‘Do Not Be Deceived’ – 1 Timothy 1:3

by Jamie Pantastico

On July 29, 2021
Teach no other Doctrine

As I urged you when I went into Macedonia—remain in Ephesus that you may charge some that they teach no other doctrine,

I Timothy 1:3


The apostle Paul’s constant concern — is don’t be deceived.  Don’t be led astray.  But, deception comes in a hundred different forms. It was no different than it is today, and it’s so subtle.  

Satan has one objective. And that is to lead people from God’s saving grace and he doesn’t care how he does it. He will use the Scriptures. He uses churches. He’ll use anything that you can imagine (the world system). 

Yes, the devil uses the Word of God and he uses churches (the men who lead the Church). Paul had to deal with this very thing in his day and so do we. NOTHING HAS CHANGED. 

The apostle Paul warned the body of Christ for 3 years with tears. That as soon as he was off the scene savage wolves would come in from outside the Church and from within. With one mission to steal, kill and destroy the Church. 

‘For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn every one night and day with tears.’

Acts 20:29-31


What? Certainly, there is nothing wrong with Scripture and going to church, right? Of course not, congregations led by faithful men standing fast in the gospel of grace, of course not. 

But, if unfaithful men and women are used by Satan to guide people off course just a bit (with a false gospel) or by a lot (with no gospel at all). Satan wins!

God is absolute. Christendom today treats God like a Santa Claus-type figure. By twisting Scripture to make God fit into their beliefs (thee flesh), the lifestyle they see fit, and not what God has clearly delineated in Scripture.

We don’t get to tweak God’s nose and say this is how I want it. No way!  

God is Sovereign.  He’s absolute. And like it or not we have an exclusive Gospel. 

You cannot water it down with man’s ideas and assume that God will accept it.  He will not.  He is Sovereign.  He is absolute.  And He is an exclusivist. 

Matthew 7:13-15, comes to mind. Narrow is the way…and how many find it? Few! Why? Because the majority doesn’t want to take God at His word. Because the majority has been deceived by false teachers that have come into the Church from outside (bringing the world system into the church) and from within. 

This is exactly what the Lord said in Matthew 7:14-15, and what the apostle Paul warned about many years later in Acts 20:29-31.

‘“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.’

Matthew 7:13-15

False teachers will twist Scripture with perverse doctrine to convince masses of people that “Oh well, certainly God will accept me, in spite of my sinful lifestyle, in spite of living a life in complete opposition to the doctrine God revealed for grace age believers.”  No, He won’t. God is absolute.  



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