Study Discovers That Reading the Bible Through A Trauma-Informed Lens Lowers Depression, Anxiety, and Anger

by Jamie Pantastico

On May 5, 2021
Study Discovers That Reading the Bible Through A Trauma-Informed Lens Lowers Depression, Anxiety, and Anger

The Word of God is the source of all our joy, love, and hope. The Word Himself is the object of our faith and who is the Word? Jesus Christ.

‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. ‘

John 1:1

‘Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. ‘

2 Timothy 2:15

‘All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, ‘

II Timothy 3:16

‘And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; ‘

II Peter 1:19

The latest Baylor University of Health Science Center study found that teaching mental health best practices with Bible study has great benefit. This research proved to reduce symptoms of PTSD and increase the sense of purpose. Christianity Today quoted Robert L. Briggs, American Bible Society (ABS) president and CEO: “As America experiences a mental health crisis, this study shows the potential benefits of faith-sensitive care for traumatized people. The Bible has been shown to be a vital source for emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental healing .” The thesis examined the efficacy of the ABS program ” Healing the Wounds of Trauma ,” which was taught within North Prince George, Virginia’s Riverside Regional Jail. A total of 210 imprisoned men and women volunteered to participate in the five-session study which involves qualified facilitators reading Scripture with attendees while guiding them in the method of acknowledging their suffering, disclosing it, and taking their distress to the cross of Christ for redemption. This helped them release the issues that are holding them back from empathy for others and compassion. The participants were also asked to answer questions about themselves and their mental well-being prior to, directly after, one month after, and three months after completing the program. Another 139 imprisoned individuals reportedly offered to participate in the study without participating in the curriculum. When researchers compared the two groups, they discovered that the program produced clinically relevant effects. “Having a control group that is comparable to the experimental group allows us to determine if the intervention is having an independent or unique effect,” said Byron R. Johnson, one of the three researchers at Baylor University’s Institute for Studies of Religion who worked on the study. Around 50% of the participants were white and aged between 18 and 65. An inmate has, on average, on average, been in prison five to six years before they are paroled. The study groups were divided into 22 clusters, with 10 male and 12 female participants. Participants aged from 18 and 65 years of old being around half white and half black. Much of them were in Virginia prison on parole or rehabilitation and on average five or six years they were in court. While the control group demonstrated much of the same attributes, such as being of comparable age, had similar interests, and the same marital status, they were less likely to have […]

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