Widespread Full-Scale Severe Christian Persecution is Right Around the Corner in America “Breaking News Story”

by Jamie Pantastico

On September 26, 2022
Christian persecution is here in America

and not in any way terrified by your adversaries (our persecutors), which is to them a proof of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that from God.

Philippians 1:28


What is Paul saying? We read but don’t study. And this verse alone should give Christians who understand what Paul is teaching in this one verse… Great Comfort!

Persecutors of believers throughout history have lit their noses on fire to eternal damnation. Not changing one bit even to this day.

Perdition signifies eternal death for anyone who opposes the Gospel or persecutes believers. Paul says, “Those who persecute believers and put pressure on us are doomed.”

Persecution is proof of our salvation. If everyone praises you, beware. Because unbelievers along with the world system are in total opposition to God. Because they hate God and because they hate God they hate you.

The apostle Paul is teaching the Philippians and us today that when persecution comes and it will, it is evidence of our persecutor’s doom and our redemption.


Read Breaking News Story Below

The FBI used a major show of force to arrest pro-life Christian Mark Houck, 48, with dozens of agents reportedly descending on his home with guns drawn as Houck’s wife and children looked on in horror. Listen and subscribe to Quick Start: Early Friday morning the FBI arrived at the Houck’s residence in Bucks County, PA, and began pounding on the door.

Despite putting his hands up and willingly cooperating, multiple agents pointed guns in Mark’s face as his family – including his seven children – were forced to watch their dad “shackled” and taken away, according to family representative Brian Middleton, who spoke with CBN’s Faithwire. Houck’s wife Ryan-Marie described the shocking scene to LifeSiteNews, saying her husband was pleading with agents. “‘Please, I’m going to open the door, but, please, my children are in the home. I have seven babies.

Soon after Joe Biden’s September 1 speech where he declared war on conservative Christians, dozens of Trump allies had their homes raided by the FBI, which Steve Bannon referred to as “a Gestapo tactic,” and said it was “all about intimidation.”

In March of this year, the FBI rounded up 10 pro-life activists, including Joan Andrews Bell, with SWAT team raids that serve to intimidate and humiliate the accused through an exercise of excessive force.

A surfaced video of one of these raids shows armed agents holding pro-lifers at gunpoint and ordering them to put their hands up, drop to their knees and scoot backward out their front door in the middle of the night. The pro-lifers are respectful and compliant throughout.




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