Paul Did Not Join Peter and the Other Apostles to Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom

by Jamie Pantastico

On January 20, 2023
Truth over tradition part one of three parts the narrative

95% of Christendom Ascribe to the Narrative Below


Christendom’s traditional narrative is that John the Baptist comes on the scene to announce to the world that the King and kingdom are coming. Jesus Christ chooses 12 disciples, and they perform many miracles, preach the gospel, and baptize many people, building the church. Jesus then appoints Peter as the leader of the apostles and the church’s spokesman.

However, the Jewish leadership rejects Jesus’ claims, and, along with the Romans, they crucify the Lord. Jesus Christ is raised from the dead three days later, and the Lord commands the apostles to preach the gospel of grace to everyone, Jews and Gentiles, all over the world.

Around the same time, one of the Lord’s greatest enemies, Saul, is confronted and converted by Christ Himself while on the road to Damascus. Saul, now Paul, joins the other apostles, and together they start the great commission. They preach the gospel of grace, baptize, perform miracles, and grow the church.


95% of Christendom is Wrong


The popular narrative is erroneous for one clear reason: there is ABSOLUTELY NO Scripture support for it. This narrative is loaded with true statements, but the underlying message is erroneous and has led to division, confusion, and false teaching.





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