Part Two: Standing Strong: Joy Amidst Imperfection

by Jamie Pantastico

On February 20, 2024

Mention anything about Jesus Christ, sin, or the Bible you will be faced with accusations of hypocrisy, a weighty label that can burden the soul. It’s crucial to remember that being a Christian does not make us perfect, but it does make us justified in the eyes of God. The moment we believe the gospel, our salvation is secured by grace through faith alone. Yet, the reality is, we continue to battle with sin.


The Imperfect Journey of Sanctification


Acknowledging our imperfections is a cornerstone of the Christian walk. Despite being a new creation in Christ, we grapple with the remnants of our old selves (the old Adam). Sanctification is a process—a transformative journey that unfolds over time. While our old appetites may no longer dominate our lives, the struggle with sin remains. It may take a life time of growth, maturing in faith and knowledge of God’s Word.


The Battlefield of the Spiritual Realm


As believers, our battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. Living in a fallen world, we confront the reality of our own fleshly desires—the old Adam within us. Ephesians 6:12 vividly portrays the unseen battle: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.”


Understanding the Struggle: Romans 7:14-20


The Apostle Paul, in Romans 7:14-20, candidly articulates the tension between our desire to do good and the ongoing battle with sin (old Adam). This raw honesty serves as a beacon for believers, reassuring us that the struggle is a real and shared experience amongst all believers. But sin or our “old Adam” does not have dominion over us because we are not under the law but under grace (Romans 6:14).


Facing Ridicule with Grace


In moments when unbelieving friends or loved ones hurl accusations, understand that their ridicule is not directed solely at you but at God. Their contempt for God is rooted in a resistance to the divine truth; that they are sinners and they love their sin more than God. Instead of discouragement, respond with grace knowing that your struggle with ridicule and scorn is a testament to the ongoing work of God’s grace in your life. Count it all joy… James 1:2-3.


Prayers for Transformation


In the face of mockery, let your response be rooted in prayer. Pray for those who ridicule you, recognizing that their unbelief is rooted in their position as lost souls chained to the slave market of sin, in the domain of darkness. Pray for their salvation, that their hearts may be opened to the transformative power of gospel of the grace of God. That they may be moved from the domain of darkness into the kingdom of the Son of His love (Colossians 1:13).


We as believers must stand strong in the knowledge that our imperfections are part of the Christian life. Embrace the sanctifying process by studying the word of God daily, fellow ship with other believers, praying always, and let the joy found in Christ shine through your imperfect vessel.



#ImperfectYetJustified #GraceInImperfection #PrayForTheScoffers




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