Bible Study
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Locations are provided when you signup.
Sunday at Church
Tuesday in Queen Creek 6 pm 8 pm
Thursday in Mesa 6 pm to 8 pm
Six Week Intro Bible Study
This initial or “introduction” class will focus on the Biblical time-line. How the Bible is a progressive revelation; that the full counsel of God wasn’t dealt out all once to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Daniel, Isaiah, John the Baptist or Peter. But instead we will learn is that God dealt with mankind differently and with a completely new set of instructions in each case.
After 6 weeks you will come away with a better understanding of God’s plan of redemption and how Scripture unfolds and fits perfectly from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21.
All denominations and back grounds are welcome.
Special Thanks to Ellen and Roger Duarte, Sharon Diaz, Jack Timbreza, Allie and Marlon Obrien, Mike M, Katy and Nelson Monroe, and so many more.
Always great fellowship with people of different denominations wanting to dig into the Word of God.
Learning what the Bible says not tradition.
All the glory to God.