Finding Peace and Truth in a Chaotic, Deceptive World

by Jamie Pantastico

On April 15, 2023
Do not worry about tomorrow Matthew 634

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

 Matthew 6:34


In a world gripped by chaos and deception, including ongoing wars and rumors of wars, failing economies, famine, flooding, volcanic eruptions, disease, death, the decline of the church, and the spread of false teachings, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and worried about the future. Amidst these difficult times, Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6:34 to focus on the present, trusting God to handle our tomorrows.


As we embrace today, we can find comfort in Psalm 46:1, which assures us that “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Despite the turmoil around us, God is with us, providing the strength and guidance we need to face each day’s challenges.


The Apostle Paul also encourages us in Philippians 4:6 to bring our concerns to God through prayer: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”


In the midst of world chaos, let us remember to trust in God’s presence and providence each day. God has given us not only our greatest comfort but also the only weapon that can defeat the snares of the god of this world, Satan: the Bible, His Word. Studying the Bible daily is essential, as it must be our only source of truth in this cursed world filled with deception and lies. By focusing on the present, seeking God’s guidance, and relying on His Word, we can experience peace and joy, knowing that He is not only in control of our present but of our tomorrow.



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