Christians Cannot Walk in Faith and Fear at the Same Time

by Jamie Pantastico

On September 4, 2020
we can not walk in faith and fear at the same time


What Saith the Scripture?


Scripture is clear and tells us about a time when men’s hearts will fail them from fear of what is coming upon the earth. (Luke 21:26)


Is what we’re seeing and witnessing today what is spoken of in Luke 21? No, but it is preparation for the coming horrific seven years of tribulation. And as our Lord’s return is closer than ever the evil one is using all his power to terrorize believers to point that we are paralyzed with fear.


Satan is doing all he can, ‘pulling the plugs’ on terrorizing the body of Christ creating so much fear within the Church that we no longer gather together to worship. And if we’re not worshiping and being edified with the Word of God Christians will not be sharing the Truth, the gospel of Jesus Christ.


That being said these are no doubt very troubling times for Christians and for the world. But the Bible makes it clear that as we get closer to the Lord’s return the world will be in utter chaos (2 Timothy 3:1-5).


But for blood-bought believers, Faith and Fear don’t mix. We cannot be walking in faith and fear at the same time.


Again, the solution is God’s Word. The Bible is so clear God makes it plain that we are to trust in Him always and He will strengthen us in our times of trouble. And we sustain our faith by studying His Word and prayer.


Here is a great Bible verse that sums it up.

‘You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.’

Isaiah 26:3


In Conclusion

The choice is ours, we can walk through this season in fear, or we can walk in strength with no fear.

If we choose to spend more time on social media and watching the news there is no doubt we will be in constant fear.

On the other hand, if we keep our minds on the Word of God and in prayer we will be the light in this darkened world. Shining the glorious Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ on lost humanity.




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