Believers are Already Citizens of Heaven and with the Lord in Glory: ‘2 Corinthians 5:6’

by Jamie Pantastico

On October 5, 2020
Our citizenship is already in heaven


II Corinthians 5:6

‘So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body (while we are here on earth in our flesh and bone bodies) we are absent (bodily) from the Lord.’

We know that we can’t be both places at once bodily, that is here on earth and with the Lord in glory. But spiritually yes, we are already with the Lord, citizens of heaven. And the book of Colossians makes that so clear.

Colossians 1:13

‘He (God did it) has delivered us (When? The moment we believed the gospel) from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,’

This is in plain and simple language; we’re already citizens of God’s kingdom, but for now, the soul and spirit are The Lord’s. The Holy Spirit is indwelling us to be our comforter and the down payment. But the old body is still prone to death and sickness, and failure.



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