Can we really forget our past? No we can’t – but God did!

by Jamie Pantastico

On March 19, 2023
Just move on and don't dwell on the past

‘Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.’

Philippians 3:13-14


Philippians 3:13-14 reminds us to *forget the things behind us and reach for the things ahead. But can we really forget the past? No, we can’t, but God can. When God forgives us, He wipes our past clean forever. However, we still remember our past mistakes, but we don’t have to let them control our present. Dwelling on past mistakes only leads to pain and prevents us from being happy and productive. We need to learn from our mistakes and move forward in faith.


The apostle Paul understood this concept. He did not forget the horrible persecution he brought upon Jewish believers, but he did not let it stop him from preaching the gospel of grace for 25 years and turning the then-known world upside down. He did not let his past mistakes prevent him from doing the Lord’s work. The Lord Jesus told Paul that His grace was sufficient, and Paul continued to spread the gospel.


We cannot change the past, so there is no use worrying or fretting about it. We all make mistakes, but we can learn from them and move forward in faith. Let us remember that God has wiped our past clean and has given us a new beginning. As we move forward, let us focus on the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.



*I think it’s crucial to try and clarify what “forgetting those things” means. When we trust in the gospel through faith alone, God justifies us, salvation is a one-time event. God no longer remembers our past mistakes and sins; He sees us as new creations in Christ and nothing can ever take us from the love of God. However, forgetting our past is a daily process that we must work through by reading and studying the Bible, praying, and fellowshipping with other believers. Though our salvation is secure in Christ, it’s normal to be reminded of our past and dwell on it at times. When this happens, don’t lose heart. Turn to the Word of God, pray, and trust in His promises. Whether through death or rapture, we will be with the Lord forever.



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