Boast Only in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ

by Jamie Pantastico

On February 26, 2024

Galatians 6:14 

As for me, may I never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, my interest in this world has been crucified, and the world’s interest in me has also died.


15. It doesn’t matter whether we have been circumcised or not. What counts is whether we have been transformed into a new creation. 16. May God’s peace and mercy be upon all who live by this principle; they are the new people of God.  Galatians 6:15-16


Let’s celebrate the power of the cross daily!

In this, we find our redemption, freedom, and the victory over everything that seeks to entangle us. All the cares of this world, every worry, every struggle—nailed to His cross. Our boasting is in His finished work, and in this truth, we discover true joy, peace, and a life intertwined with the eternal.


No need for worldly accolades or temporary treasures, for at the cross, everything finds its rightful place. Today, let’s revel in the transformative power of the cross, where Christ’s death, burial and resurrection has forever changed our narrative; we are a new creation and heavenly bound.


✝️ #CrossOfChrist #VictoryInTheCross #EmbraceTheCross #GraceUponGrace


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