🔥 Stay Steadfast – Immovable Amidst the Storms 🙏

by Jamie Pantastico

On October 16, 2023
remain steadfast immovable in God's word

In a world shrouded by wars, unrelenting turmoil, and ever-increasing opposition to God’s truth, we, as believers, are called to stand firm (IMMOVABLE) and unyielding. Trials and tribulations will no doubt confront us, but we are to remain anchored in our faith. Let’s draw strength and encouragement from 1 Corinthians 15:58:


“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” 

1 Corinthians 15:58


🛡️ Steadfast and Immovable

These turbulent times can challenge even the strongest of spirits. Yet, God calls us to be steadfast, and unwavering in our commitment to Him. We are to be immovable, anchored to the unshakable rock of our faith.


🌟 Abounding in the Lord’s Work

Amidst the chaos, we are not to withdraw or be discouraged. Instead, we are to abound in the work of the Lord. There is still a world desperate for the light of Christ. Our faith must drive us to share His love, grace, and truth.


📖 Nourished by His Word

To remain steadfast, we need to immerse ourselves in the Word of God. It is the source of strength and wisdom. Through daily study, we find the guidance and assurance we need.


🙏 Prayer and Fellowship

Prayer connects us with the very heart of God. We must continue to pray without ceasing. Additionally, fellowship with other believers is a source of mutual encouragement. Together, we can uplift and support one another.


🌍 A World in Flux

The world’s current state, marred by conflict, unprecedented Christian persecution, and moral confusion, is not unexpected. In Matthew 24, Jesus foretold such times: wars, rumors of wars, and the spreading of evil.


🕰️ Our Redemption Draws Near

In these moments, take solace in Jesus’ words that our redemption draws near (Luke 21:28). While the world’s chaos unfolds, the promise of His return remains sure.


💪 Your Labor Is Not in Vain

Despite challenges and opposition to God’s truth, remember that our labor in the Lord’s work is not in vain. Every word of truth, every act of kindness, and every prayer has eternal significance.


Let’s heed the call to be steadfast and immovable. In these times of upheaval, our faith will shine even brighter. The Lord’s return is on the horizon. The world may shake, but our hope is unshakeable. Stand strong, and let your light shine amidst the darkness.


#Steadfast #EndTimes #1Corinthians1558 #KeeptheFaith #NKJV #ChristianEncouragement



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