The Empires are Back: One Destroyed Three to Go!

Jamie Pantastico writes for Mesa Bible Study

by Jamie Pantastico

On February 2, 2023

The four Gentile empires spoken of by Daniel are back on the scene. One has already been destroyed; Iran is next, then Syria, then the fourth? The revived Roman empire! 


So here we are as members of the body of Christ, and we can discern the signs of the times. We’re at the very end of the church age, and the tribulation is once again out in front of the human race, just like it was prior to the Lord’s first advent. And the whole earthly geopolitical scenario, as far as God is concerned, has now come full circle.


The Book of Daniel provides a detailed account of the four Gentile empires that would rule over the world leading up to the birth of Jesus Christ. It was a sign for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. They were to know that when the fourth Gentile nation came on the scene, their promised Messiah, their King, would be on the scene as well. He would crush Israel’s enemies, establish His glorious kingdom, and rule and reign over all nations from David’s throne in Jerusalem (Luke 1:67–75; 2 Samuel 7:10–16; Zechariah 14:9; Zechariah 8:1–8).


The empires are listed in the order that Daniel sees them in his visions and are as follows:

  1. Babylonian Empire (Daniel 2:38)
  2. Medo-Persian Empire (Daniel 5:28)
  3. Greek Empire (Daniel 8:20-21)
  4. Roman Empire (Daniel 2:40; 9:26)


Israel Should Have Known

They should have known; Israel should have been able to discern the “signs of the times.” They all knew the prophecy, but in their unbelief, they did not accept the Lord’s claim that He was their promised King and, along with the Romans, they killed their own Messiah.


The Empires are Back

It is amazing but not surprising that the same ancient Gentile empires are back on the scene today. In other words, the same four empires that were prophesied and present leading up to the Lord’s first advent are now center stage in current events (as far as God and Bible prophecy are concerned), and once again the signs are screaming that the Lord is coming. It’s happening right before our eyes, and we need to recognize it and believe it. Jesus is coming soon!


Here is a list of the four Gentile empires that are back on the scene today:


  1. The Babylonian Empire is represented by Iraq, which has already been destroyed in the Gulf War.
  2. The Medo-Persian Empire is represented by Iran, which is about to be destroyed any day now. Either by Israel alone or America and Israel together.
  3. The Greek Empire is represented by Syria, which will be destroyed soon after Iran. (Isaiah 17:1).
  4. The Roman Empire is represented by the European Union, which is the revived Roman Empire (Daniel 9:26). It will eventually be led by the anti-Chirist but it too will be destroyed by the Lord Jesus Himself at His second coming (Daniel 2:44-45).


The Takeaway

Jesus is coming soon, and the rapture of the church is even closer. Iraq, representing ancient Babylon, has already been destroyed. Iran, representing ancient Persia, is about to be destroyed. Syria, representing ancient Greece, will be next. When Jesus comes back, He will destroy the fourth empire, which is the revived Roman Empire (the European Union), and everyone who has rebelled against Jesus Christ. Satan will be locked up in the abyss for a thousand years, and the antichrist and false prophet will be the first to go into the lake of fire. Jesus will rule and reign over all nations from David’s throne in Jerusalem for a thousand years, with Israel as the head nation above all nations, fulfilling the Abrahamic covenant Jesus Himself made to Abraham in Genesis 12.

Glory be to God, For His Word is True.



Daniel 2:38; Daniel 5:28; Daniel 8:20-21; Daniel 9:26; Luke 1:67-75; Zechariah 14:9

Zechariah 8:1-8; Isaiah 17:1; Daniel 2:44-45


The Gentile nations are back


For your edification.

Thank you for reading.


Jamie Pantastico

Mesa Bible Study

Faith, Sine Qua Non

“What is Not Properly Understood can “Not” be Properly Applied”


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What Saith the Scripture?

Most problems in interpreting Bible passages arise from neglecting a passage’s context. The guiding principle of sound interpretation is to take a passage literally. Not maintaining this discipline, interpreting Scripture becomes made up, man’s idea, fantasy, and the passage can mean almost anything. The result is erroneous and ridiculous interpretations.

Another important principle to sound Bible interpretation is to read Scripture “in-time”. In other words, we have to read and study the Bible as a progressive revelation. Not getting ahead of God’s revelation.

God’s plan of redemption for mankind wasn’t revealed all at once to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Isaiah, or any of the other old testament prophets. Not even Peter and the eleven were given the full counsel of God. The Lord revealed to each of the aforementioned what they needed at their particular time in Biblical history. A hermeneutical method that does not approach Scripture as a progressive revelation leads to erroneous interpretations.

To be a good bible student one must maintain a literal, grammatical and historical (in-time) hermeneutic. There has been much too much of man’s theology governing Scripture when it is God’s Word alone that reigns over theology.



Who's writing?

Identify the author of the book and passage.


Who is the author writing too?

Who is the audience? Yes, all Scripture is for us but not all of Scripture is directed to us our salvation and doctrine (how to live our daily lives). To say all of Scripture is, is erroneous interpretation.


When was the Book or Passage written?

This is necessary to identify the time and historical context.


What were the circumstances when it was written? (what was going on)


What was going on before and after it was written?

What happen before and after the particular Book or Passage you’re reading?



Where does the Bible verse fit in Biblical history. Use the answers from the list of these questions to identify the “historical context”.


Are there other passages that the Author has written to help expand on the verse your reading?


Utilize the full counsel of God to illuminate the passage

All of Scripture fits perfectly.


The Good News


Salvation is a FREE GIFT from God. You don’t have to do anything but believe by faith that God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die for your sins, was buried, and rose from the dead 3 days later.




  1. God declares all mankind sinners and we all fall short of Glory of God. Romans 3:23
  2. The payment for our sin is death. Romans 6:23
  3. But God…because he loved you so much sent His own Son, Jesus Christ, to die in your place, for your sins, was buried, and rose from the dead three days later. 1 Cor 15:1-42cor 5:21

All God asks is that you believe by faith alone in 1, 2, & 3. That you’re a sinner, separated from God but God sent his Son to die for your sins, was buried & rose again 3 days later.

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Romans 10:9

Do You Believe?

Mesa Bible Study Groups – In-Depth Bible Study in Phoenix, AZ

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