Let Us Not Grow Weary While Doing Good – Galatians 6:9

by Jamie Pantastico

On December 26, 2022
We are to be encouraged and strengthened by the grace of God

‘And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. ‘

Galatians 6:9

Galatians 6:9 encourages us to continue doing good, even when it becomes difficult or tiring. Verse nine reminds us that our efforts to do good are worthwhile and that we should not give up when faced with challenges.

The verse encourages us to trust that, in God’s timing, our good deeds will be rewarded and that we have a responsibility to do good to others, especially to fellow believers. It is a reminder to keep going and not to become weary in our efforts to do good and to make a positive impact in the world.

Here are 5 Encouraging Points We Learn from Galatians 6:9


  1. We should not grow weary in doing good, as it will ultimately be worth it in the end.
  2. We should not be discouraged by the struggles and challenges that come with trying to live a righteous life but keep focused on the grace of Jesus Christ and the impact our actions have on others.
  3. We should not give up on trying to help others, especially fellow believers.
  4. We should not let others discourage us from doing good, but instead, keep focused on our own actions and the impact we have on others.
  5. We should continue to strive in doing our Father’s work, as it will ultimately lead to spiritual growth, maturity, and reward.


Paul emphasizes sacrificial service, particularly to our fellow believers. He exhorts believers to be humble in all things and to exalt only the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (Galatians 6:14), just as he did. Mostly, he is working to repair the damage done by the Judaizers that came from the Jerusalem Church to the new believers in Galatia.

It is ironic that we are still fighting within the Church against those who would bind us back to the law when we have something so much better: grace through faith for salvation!

Galatians was written around 57-58 AD. The author of Galatians is the apostle Paul (Galatians 1:1-3). Paul was writing to the Gentile churches in Galatia, which were located in modern-day Turkey.



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