Bible Study

The Book of Ephesians Chapter 3 Verse One “For this Reason”

The Book of Ephesians Chapter 3 Verse One “For this Reason”

The Biblical truth that God revealed to the apostle Paul alone new revelations that had been kept hidden in the mind of God is avoided and ignored by most preachers and teachers. In Ephesians chapter three, Paul unloads and unpacks the mystery or secret of Christ....

The Book of Romans Chapter Four – Introduction

The Book of Romans Chapter Four – Introduction

"Before we move into Romans chapter four lets do a quick review of the first three chapters in what is probably the greatest letter ever written in human history. In Romans chapters one, two and three God makes His case as the Almighty Prosecutor against all mankind...

Knowing the Abrahamic Covenant is Crucial to Understanding the Bible

Knowing the Abrahamic Covenant is Crucial to Understanding the Bible

  The Call of Abraham and The Abrahamic Covenant   Understanding the Abrahamic Covenant is crucial to Bible Study. The Abrahamic Covenant lays the foundation for all future covenants and sets the theme for the entire Bible moving forward into eternity. God’s...

Read the Bible Literally and In Context for Sound Interpretation

Read the Bible Literally and In Context for Sound Interpretation

It shall greatly helpe ye to understande Scripture, If thou mark Not only what is spoken or wrytten, But of whom, And to whom, With what words, At what time, Where, To what intent, With what circumstances, Considering what goeth before And what followeth.  John...


Mesa Bible Study Groups – In-Depth Bible Study in Phoenix, AZ

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