Acts 7:38 Does Not Say that “Israel was the Body of Christ in the Wilderness” that’s Just Stupid

by Jamie Pantastico

On June 12, 2021
Acts 7:38 Does not say that Israel is the Church


Lifting one verse from the New Testament (Acts 7:38) to make doctrine is foolishness

We must use the full counsel of God to discern Scripture, no matter if it’s just one passage or an entire chapter. Just making the statement “Israel was the Church in the Wilderness’ over and over again and lifting ONE or two passages in support is erroneous.

Those who choose to lift one or two passages to build a doctrine are easily exposed as false teachers against the full counsel of God.

And at the core of this type of made-up false teaching is unbelief. They can’t believe what God said so they make it up in their minds.

Ironically, Acts chapter 7 makes it crystal clear that God is dealing NOT with the Gentile world but ONLY with the Jewish people, the nation of Israel. His chosen people. Using Acts 7:38 to support the false teaching the “Israel was the Church in the wilderness” falls apart when one takes 2 or 3 minutes that it takes to read chapter 7 in its entirety.

Coming to any other conclusion after reading Acts chapter 7 other than “Stephen is making his appeal to the Jewish leadership and the nation as a whole (Not the Gentile leaders. The promises of a Messiah, Land and a glorious kingdom meant nothing to ALL the Gentile world). That all the Old Testament promises (Israel’s promised King, land, and the kingdom) were now being fulfilled right before their very eyes. Is the Scriptural definition of twisting Scripture.

The bottom line is that in order to come to the conclusion that “Israel was the Church in the wilderness” after reading Acts chapter 7. And comparing Scripture with Scripture using the whole counsel of God. YOU HAVE TO LIE.


This is the one who was in the congregation (ekklēsia) (That called-out assembly of Jews coming out of Egypt and down to the wilderness of Sinai. This is He who was in the assembly in the wilderness.) in the wilderness together with the angel who was speaking to him on Mount Sinai, and who was with our fathers; and he received living oracles to pass on to you.

Acts 7:38


Acts 7:38 Does Not Say that “Israel was the Body of Christ, which is His Church in the Wilderness” that’s Just Stupid




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