A New Creation in Christ: Overcoming Fear and Embracing Hope

by Jamie Pantastico

On February 6, 2023
Believers are a new creation 2 Corinthians 5:17

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”


As believers in Jesus Christ, we have been given a new identity, we are a new creation. The old, sin-natured, fear-filled version of ourselves has been replaced by a new creation, a person filled with hope and joy. Colossians 1:21-22 confirms this, stating, “And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight.”


It’s important to remember that our new identity in Christ is not based on our own accomplishments or abilities, but on what Jesus has done for us. We can overcome fear and embrace hope because of the work of reconciliation that Jesus accomplished on the cross (the gospel).


When we believed by faith alone in the finished work of the cross, our old Adamic Nature is nailed to the cross, our sins are forgiven and by a judicial act of God, we were justified or just as if we never sinned. Everything about our old self; all our hangups, failures, and fears are erased, and we are given a fresh start. We are no longer defined by our past but by the sacrifice of Jesus, who paid the penalty for our sins.


My Takeaway

I get comments all the time every day along the lines of “but I don’t feel like a new creation! I don’t feel like my life has changed! I still have the same old problems, I still have the same old hangups that I’ve always had, and NOTHING FEELS NEW TO ME!

My response is always the same; we are a new creation, the old has passed away and all things have become new because God said so. It comes down to faith. We have to believe what God has promised us. God doesn’t promise that our problems or pain will just disappear, on the contrary, almost immediately we will face doubting because the pressure from this cursed world will be applied 10 fold. The difference is, is that we now have God with us. God the Holy Spirit now indwells us and empowers us to overcome ALL the world throws our way.

The same power that raised Christ from the dead never to die again lives in you in the indwelling Holy Spirit. The same power that defeated death, sin, and the law dwells in you. The same power that defeated Satan lives in you. God the Holy Spirit lives in us and empowers us to make it through tough times because of what Christ did at the cross. 

God said it, I believe God, therefore, I AM A NEW CREATION, MY OLD SELF MY PAST IS GONE. Feelings have nothing to do with faith. It is our faith (faith, trust, and believe all mean the same thing) in what God says that gives us comfort, strength, and courage. When we put all our faith in the truth of God’s word, in other words, God says it and we believe it. In moments of fear and uncertainty, it’s crucial to immediately default back to the truth of who we are in Christ. When we do this, we will experience peace and strength that surpasses all understanding.


The Power of the Gospel unto salvation has made us a New Creation in Christ



Take some time to reflect on how the truth of 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Colossians 1:21-22 impacts your life. Thank God for making you a new creation in Christ and for restoring your relationship with Him. Ask the Lord to help you embrace your new identity and live in the freedom and hope that it brings.




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