5 Encouraging Bible Verses for a Happy Father’s Day

by Jamie Pantastico

On June 19, 2023

Father’s Day is a special occasion to honor and appreciate the fathers in our lives. As we celebrate fatherhood, it is important to reflect on the profound impact fathers have on their children. Here are five encouraging Bible verses that convey appreciation for fathers on any day of the week. These verses offer insights into the significance of fatherhood and provide a source of inspiration for celebrating and honoring fathers. Get out your Bible and dive into the heartwarming words of Scripture and discover how they relate to the joyous celebration of fatherhood.


God’s will for fathers is made crystal clear in Ephesians 6:4…

Ephesians 6:4

And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.


1. Proverbs 23:24 The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice, and he who begets a wise child will delight in him.

Takeaway: This verse highlights the joy and delights a father experiences when his child walks in righteousness and wisdom. It acknowledges the profound happiness and pride a father feels when his child reflects godly values and makes wise choices.


2. Psalm 103:13 As a father pities his children, so the LORD pities those who fear Him.

Takeaway: This verse compares the compassionate nature of a father to that of our heavenly Father. It reminds fathers of the importance of showing love, care, and empathy towards their children, mirroring the compassionate heart of God.


3. 1 Corinthians 16:14 Let all that you do be done with love.

Takeaway: Love is the foundation of fatherhood. This verse encourages fathers to let love guide their actions, decisions, and interactions with their children. It reminds them that love is the driving force behind effective and meaningful fatherhood.


4. Ephesians 6:4 And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.

Takeaway: Fathers have a responsibility to nurture and guide their children in the ways of the Lord. This verse encourages fathers to provide a loving and supportive environment, where their children can grow in faith and character, avoiding actions or words that could cause anger or discouragement.


5. Proverbs 20:7 The righteous man walks in his integrity; his children are blessed after him.

Takeaway: A father’s righteous living (not perfect but godly in all aspects of life) and integrity have a lasting impact on his children’s lives. This verse acknowledges the blessings that follow in the footsteps of a father who walks in godliness. It encourages fathers to be role models of righteousness and virtue, leaving a positive legacy for their children to inherit.


Happy Father’s Day


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